Import Flat CSV Data

Command: File > Import Data > CSV Flat File

In some cases it might be useful to be able to import image data as a text file with a very simple structure using comma separated values. Therefore Epina ImageLab provides an import utility which allows to import flat image files (see section Format of Flat CSV Files for details on the format).

The command File>Import Data>CSV Flat File allows to import any kind of data encoded as a flat CSV file file. After selecting the data file the user has to specify a few additional items before the "Import Data" button will become active: The spectral type and the separating character. Clicking the "Import Data" button button will finally import the selected data.

The import process will take several seconds (depending on the file size) and will display an error message if a problem occurs.

How To:
  1. Click the command File>Import Data>CSV Flat File
  2. Select an CSV data file.
  3. Select the appropriate spectral type.
  4. Select the separating character.
  5. Adjust all other options according to the actual data format.
  6. Fill in the sample ID and the description
  7. Click the button "Import Data"

The meaning of the returned error numbers is as follows:

001 ... file does not exist or cannot be read
002 ... the specified separating character cannot be found
003 ... DimX and DimY must be greater or equal 2
005 ... the number of pixels does not match the specified values of DimX, DimY
006 ... specified coordinates of at least one pixel are invalid (<=0 or >DimX or >DimY)
007 ... invalid mask bit values (must be either 0 or 1)
008 ... the number of wavelenths/properties does not match the number of spectral data

Hint: Though flat CSV files are convenient for "quick and dirty" trials (due to their simple data structure) we generally discourage the usage of this format as a general data input format. A much better alternative is the IGTIF format.