
Declaration: Frm2DImg.AssignColPalFile(CPal: string; ImgHandle: integer): integer;
Assigns the color palette CPal to the image referenced by ImgHandle. The image handle is an integer between 0 and 16. The handle 0 refers to the main image of the 2D Imager, the handles 1 to 16 to the special images (if available). The color palette has to be specified by its name (either one of the standard palettes or a user-defined one as it has been saved in the palette editor). The following names refer to the predefined color maps: Rainbow, Black&White, Cyclic Rainbow, Geographic, High Contrast, Bipolar, Fringes, Threshold, Class Colors and Morgenstemning.
The function returns the following error codes:
 0 ... everything OK
-1 ... the image handle is invalid or points to a non-existing image
-2 ... the specified color palette does not exist