
Declaration: TSpCollItem.SetSpecOfCircArea (ix, iy, it, cl, rad: integer; capt, catstring: string; Spec, SDev: TDoubleArray);
The function SetSpecOfCircArea sets all important properties of a spectrum of a circular area at once. The CItemType property is set to ciCircArea.

The spectrum is defined by the parameter Spec, assuming that the spectrum is the mean spectrum of the circular area. The parameter SDev is the standard deviation of the mean spectrum. The length of the spectral information (see SpecLength) is automatically set to the length of the Spec array. The parameters ix and iy specify the center of the circular area, the parameter it specifies the time slot. The parameters cl and rad specify the class number and the radius of the circular area.

The parameter capt contains the caption of the spectrum. The catstring parameter contains the user-defined categories (see the spectral collection data format for details on the format.