Types of Annotations

Epina ImageLab supports several types of annotations which can be attached to the raw data image and to the spectral plots in the 2D Imager. Each annotation consists of a text label and an associated graphic element (for example an arrow pointing to a specific location, a lasso line, a distance marker, or a cursor line). The text label can be multi-line and can contain meta text to insert information which is derived from the position of the graphic elements:

Meta Text Explanation
\n insert a new line
\[x] insert the x coordinate of the arrow head using 4 significant digits (default case, no sig. digits specified)
\[x:p] insert the x coordinate of the arrow head using p significant digits
\[y] insert the y coordinate of the arrow head using 4 significant digits (default case, no sig. digits specified)
\[y:p] insert the y coordinate of the arrow head using p significant digits
\[d] insert the length of a two-headed arrow (in the case of images) or the distance of two line cursors (in the case of spectra) using 4 significant digits (default case, no sig. digits specified)
\[d:p] insert the length of a two-headed arrow (in the case of images) or the distance of two line cursors (in the case of spectra) using p significant digits
\[a] insert the area of a lasso region using 4 significant digits (default case, no sig. digits specified)
\[a:p] insert the area of a lasso region using p significant digits
\[l] insert the circumference of a lasso region using 4 significant digits (default case, no sig. digits specified)
\[l:p] insert the circumference of a lasso region using p significant digits
\[n] insert the index of the annotation modulo 1000 as a 3 digit decimal number; the number contains leading zeroes if it has less than 3 digits
\[n:p] insert the index of the annotation modulo 10p as a decimal number with p digits, leading blanks are filled by zeroes


The following figures show examples of different types of annotations:

In the raw data image:

  • labels with one or more arrows pointing to a point of interest
  • two-headed arrows indicating a distance
  • annotated regions marked by a lasso line

In the spectral plot:

  • spectral line markers
  • vertical distance indicators